How VMS Platform Enables Direct Sourcing In 8 Easy Steps

What is Direct Sourcing? Direct sourcing is the contemporary way of hiring resources where businesses use their own talent pool to hire candidates suitable for a particular role. They may create a job page calling out for applications or choose the best match from their own candidate pool. How is Vendor Management System Related? Long gone are the days when companies only hired permanent employees who used to stay for years. Companies are growing and so are their needs of varying skill sets. As a solution, companies hire contingent workforce i.e., temporary workforce hired on contract. As these contracts are short-termed, usually for a few months, more and more of such resources move in and out of the companies more often. Thus, businesses face a new challenge of managing these swiftly moving vendors. Vendor Management Software is an automated system that helps organizations streamline the Direct Sourcing of vendors through various tools and processes included in th...